How employers can gain cost predictability, reduce the administrative burden of offering benefits, and improve the quality of health benefits for employees.
Join Zorro on the launch of our newest series exploring the ICHRA compliance and regulation landscape
Newly released platform upgrades will help brokers more easily sell and retain ICHRA clients.
2025 trends in ICHRA adoption, product innovation, and regulatory developments signal that ICHRA is here to stay.
Benefit brokers can best help their clients optimize ICHRA as a solution by tapping into these four key trends for 2025.
As companies continue to hire from a broader, more geographically dispersed talent pool, ICHRA is proving a better solution than the traditional one-size-fits-all benefits model.
While ICHRAs are a proven solution for navigating escalating healthcare costs, benefits advisors are still exploring the best ways to articulate their value. 5 min.
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Zorro is a sponsor of the 2023 Annual NABIP conference - stop by our booth to see a live demo of our platform and end-to-end benefits solution!
Today, March 28th, 2023, we announced our launch out of stealth, along with an $11.5 million seed funding round co-led by Pitango and 10D. The funds will be used to further expand R&D efforts and scale customer operations.
Exploring three of the most common challenges employers face when transitioning to ICHRA and provide actionable strategies to help make the shift successful.
Changing health benefits can be challenging! Here are some strategies for communicating with your employees about ICHRA
offering health benefits today do so using the so-called “group chassis”. This means they purchase group plans from a single carrier that offers them a price quote based on the “average” risk across all of their employees.
Learn more about ICHRA decision-makers and their responsibilities.
Explore employers' and employees' motivations for pursuing Consumer Driven Health (CDH)
How personalization is becoming part of the health insurance industry
Dive into the details of Form 5500 and the role it plays in the ICHRA compliance journey
The first post in the Reporting section of our Compliance Miniseries is all about Forms 1094 and 1095
Learn all about what to include in your ICHRA Plan document and Summary Plan Description (SPD)
Read about Section 125 Cafeteria plans and how they fit into your ICHRA documentation and communication
Learn all about the 90 Day Notice and what information it should include
Learn all about affordability within ICHRA plans.
Learn how to leverage carve-outs in your ICHRA plan design
Learn how you can use different classes to design the best ICHRA plan for your organization
Zorro is thrilled to announce a new partnership with BetterHelp to provide more accessible mental health services.
AI's role in transforming businesses is undeniable. But how are ICHRA providers leveraging it to raise the bar?
We're often asked whether ICHRA is well-suited for larger clients. While the answer is a resounding yes, check out these 3 key reasons why.
Zorro is thrilled to announce the launch of our Preferred Partnership Program, including relationships with Goodbill and Renaissance.
ICHRA emerged as a hot topic at the 20th Annual BenefitsPRO Broker Expo. Here's what else we heard.
Learn how brokers can benefit from all the value ICHRA brings to their clients
Get an inside view about healthcare plan pricing and learn about how to choose the right plan for your needs.
Check out the best strategies for leveraging ICHRA to manage (and cut!) your business’ health benefits budget.
Read how ICHRA can be a game changer for those seeking to personalize their coverage and promote overall health.
Learn how ICHRA is transforming the way employees leverage their healthcare benefits
At Zorro, we help employers like you gain cost predictability and reduce the administrative burden of offering benefits, all while improving the quality of health benefits for your employees. Our solution is made possible by ICHRA (Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement), a new model for health benefits enacted by the federal government in 2020
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